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Church Organ Building

Specialist Joinery

Church Organ Consoles

Renatus has a enviable reputation for producing church organ consoles of the highest quality for over 20 years. Our portfolio encompasses myriad examples from traditional 'British' drawstop consoles to highly contemporary designs with innovative use of materials and techniques. Working with designers, architects and advisors we taylor every project to meet the exact requirements of each installation.

Finishing can be carried out to your requirements with wood dyes for colouring and lacquer or oil to finish. All cabinets are given a wax polish to complete the process.

Our stringent quality control procedures, combined with the experience of our cabinet makers, ensure that you receive the highest quality craftsmanship.

En-fenetre consoles can be designed and built to fit into an existing space in the organ casework. Alternatively new console parts can be supplied to replace existing or worn-out stop panels, keyboards, toe sweeps etc.

Where required consoles can be fitted with drawstops, keyboards, pistons and other accessories. Renatus can even supply and install a combination action or transmission system to your specification.

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